rolling up!

by 06:24 0 comments

it's time to wrap up!

some might think that it is weird for me to write about babies, but why not?
i find that there's a lot of things that we don't know about babies.
one day everyone will be a parent, so with this blog i hope other people able to gain few information
about babies,
babies is a fragile thing, in fact it is the most helpless newborn creature compared to any other infants in the world.

Yes, human babies are weak and fragile when compared to other animals.
This is because humans are able to take care of weak and fragile babies indefinitely, where as other animals have to climb, walk, swim or fly very quickly and learn how to fend for themselves in rather short order. Those that can't are eaten by predators or abandoned by their parents.

giraffe baby able to stand up and walk short after they are born


Ain Zuri


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