Newborn baby?

by 07:34 0 comments

newborn baby 
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A newborn baby aren't cute and beautiful as we all know. In fact, they are a bit weird looking. Spending nine months in womb and been pushed out through the birth canal, the baby could also be puffy-faced and have eyes that are often shut. For the next six week, you would be expecting a grumpy and moody-kinda-boss. No smile, laugh nor cute gesture. Newborn also doesn't usually have a very dry and flaky skin, unlike the general idea of silky smooth skin. If you have spend a total nine months in water, then suddenly hit the air, you'd be dry too. But not too worry, sooner or later you will have a cuddly and silky cutie baby.

our general idea of how babies look like
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Ain Zuri


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