rolling up!

it's time to wrap up! some might think that it is weird for me to write about babies, but why not? i find that there's a lot of things that we don't know about babies. one day everyone will be

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2 at a time

do you know? babies can actually swallow and breath at the same time! it might not sound difficult. but is is imposible for adult to do so.  don't believe me? try to do so. this is possible for babies. Infants can

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No kneecaps!

 at birth, babies don't actually have kneecaps. In babies and children, bones have to be strong enough to support the body, but soft enough to permit continued growth. Until adulthood, when bones reach their final size and strength, they are

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Magic Eye ★

Usually, for African-American, Hispanic, and Asian babies are almost always born with dark eyes that stay dark. But Caucasian babies are usually born with dark blue or even slate-gray eyes that may change several times before a baby’s first birthday.

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Newborn Babies Have a Monkey-Strength Grip An infant's grip is so strong that he can support his own weight if you dangle him. The reflex is called the palmar grasp, and it happens when you stroke an infant's palm or put

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twinnie language ♥

identical twin that were born from one individual sperm are know to be very closed with each other. And they can develop their own language! Which only they are the one who will be able to understand. In other words,

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Smell: Advance ✓ ✓ ✓

"Unlike eyesight, which can take a few years to develop, smell is the most advanced sense that babies have at birth," explains Seema Csukas, M.D., director of child health promotion at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. And tots use their sniffer

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